Sunday, May 16, 2010

Why is life unfair?

My life seems like a series of tragic comedic events, i barely graduated high school, nor college, and i'm too old for a lot of stuff out there, but too young for the other side too. Get the violins out 'cause i'm in need of a few decades of sympathy and acceptance. An ordinary girl with an edge, no a spikey one, tho! All crushed with restraint like an underdeveloped flower; a Peony...go figure. I have exceptional, but serious interests, and can see through the facade of cosmo and glamour. No my kind of people, nor life philosophy. What's it all about?

Why is life unfair?
Sorry to hear all that. I feel life can be unfair as well. But I like to think that some of us who have it worse than others actually get stronger from this. There are people out there who have so much and happy lives, but they wouldn't really know how to deal with pain. I've had problems in my life and I have become very strong as a result of it.

Well not totally but I've become a bit strong. I've been getting counselling for my problems and I'm getting better. I feel like I can be one of the best people out there. I just need to give myself a chance. I don't really know what you've had to go through, but I say give yourself a chance as well. Get counselling if you need it. Do something for yourself. Don't sit around and be miserable all the time. Get out there and try.

If I'm not helping then I'm sorry. I just want you to be positive. If I can do that then I'll be glad that I helped someone. That's why I spend so much time here anyways. To help and be helped.

Good luck!!!
Reply:Life is neither fair nor unfair. It simply is. If you have some notion that everybody is supposed to get an equal shot, or that life is supposed to even out, somehow, you are living in a fairy tale. I can guarantee that there are plenty of people in the world who would look at your life and think you have it made. So instead of focusing on the unfairness of it all, why not focus on things for which you are grateful. Find some other folk who reject the Cosmo and Glamour route; who have exceptional and serious interests. They are out there if you look. You only get one life. So make the most of it.
Reply:Wow. A real pity party in your honor! I'll get the guest list together. Fairness is a term our Kindergarten teachers taught us so we would share our toys. You are an adult now. Life isn't fair. Anyone who tells you it is or that it should be, is selling something. Stop whining and put your interests and talents to work for you!
Reply:well if its unfair to you it has to be in someones favor right? Some people are just unlucky and its always unfair for them and there life, even happy and fortunate events end up turning out bad. But its just a fact of life its always going to be unfair for someone.
Reply:Life is unfair because life is unfair.

Serisouly honey, thats not a Q you should be asking if you want a serious answer.

Your life sounds truely tragic, and im sorry, but If you ever want to be happy then move on and get somewhere!

You owe it to yourself.

Reply:life isn't unfair the more you think it is the more its always gunna hurt you... your never too old!

Happyiness.. it comes in time... cosmo's awesome it gives you insite to the male mind ( i think you were talkin about the mag)

Reply:It is the blossoming of the flower of which you write. It is time to review the serious interests, whatever they may be and pursue using groups who have such interestsThe petals will grow. Try . Bon Chance
Reply:i have no idea WHY, but i do agree to the saying "life is unfair"

but i feel the same as you do. i have bad luck all the time and bull**** always comes my way
Reply:i'm sorry. too bad i don't know you, you sound kinda cool.
Reply:So you have finally arrived. I often wondered about you wandering about out there pretending that you were not lost when I knew well that you were. I am glad that you have come. Lady, you are not a crushed, undeveloped flower.You may be a peony but you could very well become the most beautiful peony that the world has ever known. It is within you to be just that. Why have you never asked for directions? Life is not unfair. You have just been unfair to yourself. I will not take you by the hand and lead you but I do have a friend that will. He knows the way. He has certainly helped me and I have asked him to do the same for you. Trust me. Get down on your knees in a quite, private place and just tell him who you are and what you think that you are and he will probably correct you, as he did me, and tell you that he knows you and has been waiting for you to stop and get down on your knees long enough so that he can have a talk with you. My Dear Young Lady haven't you had enough of the wandering for your life time? Isn't it time for you to wise up and listen for a change to some advice from an old man who has been there and done that so many times until he finally got it right. If this is your time and you are ready then well and good. If you still have doubts then keep wandering and consider it later. My friend will always be there, right beside you waiting.

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