Thursday, May 20, 2010

Help! I'd like to make a home made perfume. But don't know where to find these ingredients.?

The ingredients are: peony rose, passion rose, emotion rose, fantasia rose.

Any advise on making pefume would also be great.

Help! I'd like to make a home made perfume. But don't know where to find these ingredients.?
The following recipes are a great way for you to get started, but we are sure that you will want to create your own scents to suit your unique personality. Have fun and don't be afraid to experiment!

When you are experimenting with essential oils, make sure to understand the potency and/or health risks some oils can cause if not used properly. When in doubt, ask a professional aroma therapist/herbalist or at the health food store for more information.

What to use in place of:

Fragrance oils may be used in place of the essential oils for a cheaper version.

Cover your work area with a plastic sheet. Essential oils and fragrance oils may damage surfaces.

A good fragrance formula should consist of 75% dilutants such as vodka, and 25% fragrances. Glycerin is a good fixative which can be added to formulas to help it retain its scents.

This is one of the simplest recipes for perfume making you can do at home.


2 cup of water

1 cup fresh chopped flower blossoms


In a bowl place a cheesecloth where the edges are hanging over the bowl. Fill with 1 cup of flower blossoms of your choice. Pour water over the flowers until they are completely covered.

Cover and let sit overnight. The next day using the edges of cheesecloth pull it out of the bowl and gently squeeze the scented water into a small pot. Simmer the water until about 1 teaspoon is left. Cool and place into a small bottle. Making perfume this way has a shelf life of about 1 month.

Other suggestions for flowers: Lavender, Lilac, Orange Blossoms or even Honeysuckle. Anything that is highly fragrant works best

Another good way to make your own perfume oil is to buy scents and mix them together. You can find scents online when you search for "perfume oils"

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