Thursday, May 20, 2010

I planted a renegade rose branch, will it grow?

We moved to a new home last summer and it came with a beautiful rose bush in the back with gorgeous pink mini blooms...and right next to it, a peony offspring was intertwined with what I thought was a baby from the rose bush. So I thought I'd sacrifice the peony since I have others that are well established, and move the baby rose bush to the front where there'd be more sun and I could enjoy it more. Come to find out when I started digging, it was attatched by a nice thick root to the main rose bush. I had no idea roses did this! Well, the damage was done, I sliced right through that big fat root, so I thought I'd just put it in the ground up front anyhow and see what it does. Has anyone done this before with positive results? Is there anything I can do to help it along? I also moved another rose that looks to be only a few years old from the other side of the house that was being over grown by a forsythia...and he's looking a bit weepy! Hope I didn't just murder my roses!

I planted a renegade rose branch, will it grow?
Only time will tell unfortunately. A lot depends on the environment they are in. Make sure to feed it fertilizer!

hey! It's great that you moved them to where there is MORE sunlight! That can't hurt!

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