Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dog eating flowers....Help?!?

My puppy, about 5 months old has been eating my Peony plant and Gerber Daises. When I catch her I tell her NO and she stops. I have now starting watching her outside and can't go about my business.

Any suggestions for her to stop? My mom recommended putting moths balls in the plants.

I am not looking for you to me to tell her NO b/c I have already tried that. I am looking for good tricks that work before all my plants are gone; I am afraid they will all die and not come back until next Spring.

Dog eating flowers....Help?!?
I'd get a weak electric fence. Teach the dog that flowers = ouch and the problem will be solved long after you remove the electric fence.

As you know, mothballs will kill the puppy.
Reply:buy a can of boundry ..u simply spray it around your plants and or things u dont want the puppy near and they stay works really well..they have boundry for cats and dogs..GL
Reply:Both plants are perennials so they will come back next year. Even if the pups eats all the blooms off the daises you can cut them back and keep them short until the first of July and they will bloom again the fall.

You can also get peony cages at your local Garden store.

One of my Goldens as a pups wiped out all my marygolds in just a week. I had to go and by new ones. They do grow out of this and will leave the plants alone.
Reply:No, you're just pissed because you have to watch her and can't 'go about my business.' This is part of the responsibility of having a dog. Had you gotten an older dog you wouldn't have this problem. But you got a baby dog, and she is still learning.

Do NOT put moth balls in the plants; she could ingest those and die. Let's face it; you either have to fence the plants off or watch her everytime she goes outside.

You were the one begging your parents to get a puppy, weren't you?
Reply:You need to do something consistantly to convince her that she doesn't want to even go near the flowers.

STay outside with her and have two pot metal covers (like a set of cymbles) Bang then loudly together when she goes for the flowers. This is such a good way to train a dog that you might train her in one session.

You can also use a spray water bottle and squirt her when she goes near the flower bed. I think the loud noise is the best way.

You need to be consistant with this until she is totally ignoring the space where the flowers are. Dogs learn some things very quickly

My dog used to run to the dumpster where I live and find old food to nibble on. The first time I chaged him around the dumpster I realized that I had to have a firm way of teaching him that this was not acceptable. I kicked the metal door to the dumpster, which made a very loud noise. After doing that twice, my dog was literally afraid to go anywhere near that area. I was amazed how easy it was to stop that behavoir.

The word no or any of our firm orders don't always work when a dog is totally smitten by a behavior. Remember, you are the boss.

I hope it works for you. Good luck
Reply:Hello %26amp; LORD NO MOTH's poision !!! Not much you can do %26amp; if you use potting soils with the white stuff called vermiculite %26amp; she eats too much of it, it will impact her, causing her illness %26amp; possitbly death...the only other thing you can do is fence her off from the flowers %26amp; new plantings, don't know what it is but many dogs do this, like they think they are helping to plant I guess..just not good for the dog, especially is you use potting soils, fertilizers or pesticides as most nursery's do for their plants ...Take Care :)
Reply:I can't promise this will work, but try sprinkling the plants with pepper or chili powder. Dogs hate it, it's non-toxic, and it won't hurt the plants.

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