Friday, November 18, 2011

What is your experience with double knockout roses?

I want to plant some rose bushes along a fence in my backyard--I already have some peony bushes that are flourishing.. I live in Northern Illinois and this spot receives full sun all day and is well drained. I am considering planting the knockout roses or the newer double knockouts. I want something that will bloom profusely but does not require a lot of care? Which of these is best? Or do you have other suggestions? Appreciate the help!!

What is your experience with double knockout roses?
I love them. They are easy to care for, self-cleaning and disease resitant, they fill many of the same rolls as a shrubs. I think you are making a good choice by going with the knockout roses.
Reply:The knockouts should do great there as they are pretty low maintenance and are disease resistant.
Reply:yes, they are disease resistant and the double blooms are awesome, but the only setback with knockouts is they have multiple blooms on a single stem which makes deadheading tedious. deadheading is required to maintain blooms throughout the season and if you dont mind doing it about once a week, youll have great results. it takes about twice as long to deadhead knockouts (shrub roses) as others like grandiflora or hybrid tea.

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