Monday, May 11, 2009

Why can't I grow a peony flower in San Jose, CA.?

Peonys love loamy, airy soil. Try adding a half bale of peat moss and soil sulphur to the ground. Work it in well. Also pay close attention to the timing of WHEN to plant them in your region. Overwatering them with tap water will rot the roots too.

The Southwestern Garden Magazine has regional maps and what to plant, when. Also check with the local library about what the Peony needs are.

Why can't I grow a peony flower in San Jose, CA.?
Peonies require a certain amount of cold for flower formation. Your climate isn't cold enough or cold long enough for the buds to form. You could give the tubers a cold treatment by putting them in refrigeration but I don't for how long or how cold it should be.
Reply:in adding to the above do NOT mulch peonies...they dont like mulch and will eventually die...around here we just put them in the ground and leave them be...i have clay soil and mine are doing fine..i have about 20 growing but they have only been out 2 yrs and some 1 yr so it will be another year before they all bloom..also dont plant to deep

alot of mine are planted just below the mom has some that all the top shows year round and hers bloom like crazy but of course they have been in the ground for years

they start out kinda small but every year they get a little bigger and better..if you see big black ants on them leave them be..they are beneficial for peonies

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