Monday, May 11, 2009

When should peony foliage be cut back?

Cut back peony folliage in the fall, after the leaves lose their green color. Don't cut back any perennial to the ground just because flowering stops. The leaves are still producing sugars that will be turned into starch for the tubers and roots and energy for next year's growth. Think of your non-flowering peony bushes as green shrubs until late fall. Then do your cutting.

When should peony foliage be cut back?
In the fall. Mow it right off to ground level. Easy, huh?
Reply:in the fall. I fyou live in area that gets snow, do the cutting at least one month before expected first snow fall.
Reply:I do mine in late summer. They almost double every year if I just allow the leaves to keep growing after the blooms die off. My guess is that the leaves supply more nutrients to the roots to survive the winter and make more growth in the spring, but all I know is it works great for me to wait til late summer!
Reply:After they are no longer green, as with most perennials.
Reply:In late fall, after it turns yellow. Then right down to the ground.
Reply:Everyone except Mike is right.

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