Monday, May 11, 2009

Peony - transplanting roots?

Is it possible to grow a peony from a root that DOESN'T have an eye in it?

I dug up a huge peony the other day and divided it into about four plants which are all doing well. I had some huge tuberous roots without eyes. I thought I'd toss them into the ground, but I really don't know if they'll grow or not?

Any ideas?

Peony - transplanting roots?
the best i can suggest is to put the peony in the ground and see what happens....the part without the eye could have resulted from seeds that dropped to the ground last year and are sprouting this the end of the peony growing season this year there should be an eye...once you have transplanted the peony water occasionally to help it along...

my mom has 30+ peonies and 2-3 of those keep dropping seeds and that is causing her to have an additional 40+ peonies in her yard...hers wont be much when she digs them up but as long as there is foilage there stands a good chance of the rest of the root forming an eye which should result is the peony coming back next year....just make sure you dont cut the foilage back until late summer when it has turned brown to ensure that the root has taken hold to establish itself...they might not bloom next year due to being transplant but normally after 2-3 yrs they will start blooming again

next year will show you for sure if the peony will come back

but make sure there is foilage with the root when you move it to help ensure that the peony will come back next year.

this is the best advice i can give because when my mom gives me pieces of her peonies she will bring them over by the shovel/grocery bag to get about 10 more this fall and i already have about

hope this helps out some

also as far as peonies drawing ants the big black ants you see on peonies are beneficial to the plant and not harmful at all so if you see black ants on them let them be...they will not harm them at all
Reply:Peonies attract ants.

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