Monday, May 11, 2009

My peonies only bloom for a few weeks?

I have a peony bush in my backyard (which happens to be one of my favorite flowers), and year after year I'm disappointed--it only blooms for a few weeks at the most. I see other peonies bushes in the neighborhood that have been are still are looking great with tons of flowers. Mine is almost flowerless, and the flowers that still remain have dropped to the ground (still attached). Is there anything I can do to lengthen the time it will bloom?

My peonies only bloom for a few weeks?
There may be different varieties of peony bushes then because mine only bloom for a few weeks as well and then that's it until next year. Right now my blooms are looking slightly spent. All the rain and wind we've had hasn't helped their longevity either.
Reply:There are some correctable factors detrimental to quality of Peony's blooms--lack of protection in harsh climate, overwintering and too deep planting, for example--perhaps it can help.
Reply:As said above, different varieties bloom at different times and can have great variation in bloom count.

One of the most common mistakes with peonies which reduces bloom number and duration is feeding. The more you ignore them, the better they will do!

Hotel Blu

I planted three peony roots last fall. they are raspberry sundae, bowl of cream, and red charm.?

All double bloomers. they were planted exactly to seller's specifications. Bowl of Cream has budded and is growing. But the other two roots haven't started yet. Do some peony roots come in earlier than others even though in same family?

I planted three peony roots last fall. they are raspberry sundae, bowl of cream, and red charm.?
Yes...sometimes they come depends on a few will find out when the season start

Can I plant peonies in a shady area? Will they still bloom?

I want to plant peonies along the side of my home. I have a lot of trees and it is shady all around the house. I have one peony on the side of the house which has been there for 40 yrs plus from prev owner. It is very wide, but has buds that never opened up and look deformed. I don't know the history of the plant (if it does indeed bloom, etc) Are deformed buds a sign something is wrong with the plant or the site?I planted two new peonies at that site, not too close, but although it's shady, they seem to always be thirsty on the verge of wilting. What am I doing wrong? Please advise. Thank you!

Can I plant peonies in a shady area? Will they still bloom?
I have Peonies growing in full sun and full shade. Both do very well. When is the last time you divided the Peony that is 40? The bulbs may be too crowded to get the proper nutrients that they need to bloom. Try dividing them this fall and see what happens. Try putting some organic mulch around your new plants. If you have them planted at the correct depth, that should fix the problem. Good luck. I hope this helps.
Reply:They will do well in shade. I have about a dozen bushes that sit underneath trees. They bloom like crazy. These are my favorite flowers. Good Luck !!
Reply:A common problem of peonies is the failure to bloom. It may be the result of planting too deeply, immature plants, excess nitrogen, inadequate sunlight, overcrowding, nutrient deficiency, insect or disease problems, competition from roots of nearby plants or late freezes. Some cultivars will fail to bloom in zones 8 and 9 because they lack sufficient winter chilling.

Help with a peony tree.?

I gave someone a gift of a peony tree (not a bush,a tree)Against my advice,she put it in a large planter,and now it is dying.I know that it needs to be put into the ground to live.I am going to retrieve it and put it in the ground.What can I do to be sure that it makes a smooth transition,and thrives as it should?Please don't answer unless you are sure.Thanks!

Help with a peony tree.?
None of us can be 100% sure, without seeing the plant and location it is to be planted in. Even then... It would also help to know which USDA hardiness zone you're in.

That being said.

If it isn't doing well in a container, it's probably related to the amount of water it has recieved. Too much or too little will be problematic. I planted a new tree peony (Paeonia suffructosa) this year, and it's looking pekid. Be sure to plant a little on the shallow side, just covering the surface roots with soil. Monitor the watering, keep it moist but not wet. It would be advantageous to use a root stimulator containing mycorrhizal fungi, at least something containing vitamin B-1 or another mild root stimulating fertilizer. If you live somewhere with harsh winters, I'd also use a rose cone or some other winter protection.

In the spring begin using whatever flowering shrub fertilizer you prefer. Always follow the directions on the label.

I hope that this helps

Good luck
Reply:Before you plant it, soak the pot in water for several minutes (up to 30 minutes). That will make sure it has plenty of water to grow off of. By soaking, I mean totally submerse the pot.
Reply:Put it facing east, because hot sun will kill, fertilize with Miracle Grow,if you are living in a hot climate with little rain, take a milk jug rinse throughly, poke a hole with a needle just at the base of the jug, fill with water leave cap on but not to tight the water will leek out and keep watering plant , just make sure you keep eye on jug and refill. I know it will survive I do it all the time.

A friend has a peony farm with 25000 plants how do we sell these beautiful flowers/plants?

You really have more than one problem. One is someone who can retail the cut flowers or plants. Another is someone who knows when and how to cut or dig them for transplanting. They are at different times of the year).

For cut flowers, you need to go out a few weeks before the cutting and remove the sucker bud (little flowers) from the main stems. This allows all of the energy to go into one flower per stalk.

The flowers are typically cut just after bud opening but before blooming. They are typically sorted by stem length and bundled in dozens after stripping the leaves from the lower third of the stem. The bundles should be placed in very cold water as soon as possible. For large volumes, you need to do this work in a refrigerated room for best quality. You should take a look at any flowers that the retailer already has. By the way, not all varieties will be ready at the same time.

Flower plants for transplanting requires a bit of experience or experimentation. They are usually dug in the early spring as soon as the ground is soft enough to dig without being muddy. The plants must be transferred to plastic containers or have the roots wrapped in burlap and pull tight around the plant. Go to a local tree farm to see this process.

A friend has a peony farm with 25000 plants how do we sell these beautiful flowers/plants?
Don't you think your friend should have thought about it *before* he/she built the farm?
Reply:contract through a local shop/store/fts. if i (in austin)send flowers to mom in dallas they dont actuall come from austin. the order is filled by a flower shop in dallas. i think i'll do just that, thanks.

sandals church

Peony - transplanting roots?

Is it possible to grow a peony from a root that DOESN'T have an eye in it?

I dug up a huge peony the other day and divided it into about four plants which are all doing well. I had some huge tuberous roots without eyes. I thought I'd toss them into the ground, but I really don't know if they'll grow or not?

Any ideas?

Peony - transplanting roots?
the best i can suggest is to put the peony in the ground and see what happens....the part without the eye could have resulted from seeds that dropped to the ground last year and are sprouting this the end of the peony growing season this year there should be an eye...once you have transplanted the peony water occasionally to help it along...

my mom has 30+ peonies and 2-3 of those keep dropping seeds and that is causing her to have an additional 40+ peonies in her yard...hers wont be much when she digs them up but as long as there is foilage there stands a good chance of the rest of the root forming an eye which should result is the peony coming back next year....just make sure you dont cut the foilage back until late summer when it has turned brown to ensure that the root has taken hold to establish itself...they might not bloom next year due to being transplant but normally after 2-3 yrs they will start blooming again

next year will show you for sure if the peony will come back

but make sure there is foilage with the root when you move it to help ensure that the peony will come back next year.

this is the best advice i can give because when my mom gives me pieces of her peonies she will bring them over by the shovel/grocery bag to get about 10 more this fall and i already have about

hope this helps out some

also as far as peonies drawing ants the big black ants you see on peonies are beneficial to the plant and not harmful at all so if you see black ants on them let them be...they will not harm them at all
Reply:Peonies attract ants.

What store can i find perlier pink peony bath&shower gel?

Ebay is the cheapest way to buy it. You can get it for half the price!

What store can i find perlier pink peony bath%26amp;shower gel?
Try eBay or amazon.

Tree Peony care?

I have a tree peony which someone gave me from their garden. It has grown quite large and is starting to fall over onto my lawn. Should I cut it back and if so, when and to what height?

Tree Peony care?
You should only cut back any dead limbs or prune any faded blooms. If it is growing and falling over then I would suggest that you stake the tree to keep it from falling over. It should continue to grow just make sure that you stake and tie it loosely to keep it from becoming strangled by the ties. It should grow thicker and eventually it would be strong enough to stand on its own.
Reply:Tree peonies respond well to pruning. You should aim for a broad, multistemmed shrub of up to 120-150cms in height which will not need staking. Chinese and American types have a naturally branching habit and will need less regular pruning than the Japanese and French types.

In February, just as the growth buds are swelling, trim off all the dead wood. You will often find that the new shoots are coming from lower down the stem, leaving a small dead spur. Whole branches will sometimes die. These should be pruned back to a live bud, or to just above ground level.

With a young plant, only remove dead wood during the first two years to help get the plant established . Don't be tempted to prune. After this if your plant forms a good shape, no regular pruning is needed. However, if your plant has few stems and is poorly shaped, then prune hard. You may see buds at the base of the stem or shoots coming from below the soil. Prune back to these or down to 15cms or less from the ground. Even if you can't see any basal buds, adventitious ones will form.

The best time to prune is early spring, although this may mean that you sacrifice some flowers in the coming year. You can prune directly after flowering but regrowth is slower.

If you have, or inherit, an older tree peony which has never been pruned, it can be transformed and rejuvenated by applying this technique. It is best to prune just one main stem each year, cutting it down to about 15 cms. It takes courage to do this, but is usually successful.

Peony question.?

My friend has a Peony. She would like to know why this plant seems to have two different type of leaf and two different type of flower which bloom at different times. Any idea's please.?

Peony question.?
If it is a tree peony then is will probably have been grafted onto a rootstock. The top will die if you leave the 'suckers' from the rootstock on. If it's not a tree peony, then no idea. You need to supply a wee bit more information on this one.
Reply:Sounds like you planted 2 varieties or you planted a hybrid peony seed.
Reply:it doesnt, they are the same just growing.
Reply:I'd agree - the different flowers and leaves are coming from the rootstock. If you don't break of the suckers, the whole plant will revert to the colour of the rootstock
Reply:Sounds like there are two peony planted close to each other.

I have a red Texas Star hibiscus and a pink Hardy hibiscus planted too close together and it looks like it is all one shrub.
Reply:sounds like she has 2 kinds of plants , maybe she got 2 for 1 when she bought it .Which is good for her :) My plants are all the same and only bloom one time .
Reply:I had a similar Siamese twin given to me years ago. I tried one year to separate them and couldn't figure out what was what. Now I have two pink and red clumps - and I can live with that. RScott

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The jade peony by wayson choy?

if you have read this story, help me with some questions please

-central idea of the novel

-why is the novel called the jade peony

-the relationship between the main characters(pohpoh, sekky)

-how are the characters different? how are they similar?

-what is the significance of sek-lung's final words?

-what lesson did sek-lung learn?

The jade peony by wayson choy?

1- Theme is Chinese suffer more than the japanese do

2- IT is called the jade peony because it represents the 3 children in the story

3- Pohpoh is a woman and Sekky is a boy. They also have secret affairs when they look through garbage. They are all similar because they have a family that carries an insurance for death and they live in canada. They also believe religion is what kills the japanese

4- To make himself known to his mother that he is there and not somewhere else. The significance is that it makes mother realise Sekky is in front of her.

5- Sek-Lung learns to be a better chinese person and tell other people "he is there"

Can I grow peony in Albuquerque N. m.?

yes. now may I have a peony for your thoughts?

Can I grow peony in Albuquerque N. m.?
yes, it's best to plant them in the fall time of year. Be sure not to plant them too deep

What color is peony?

they come in lots colors but mostly whites,reds and pinks.

What color is peony?
A peony is actually a flower, its very pretty. It can be yellow, red, pink, white and an assortment of colors. Im not really sure if it is a color though.
Reply:I would say it is a soft pink, since that is what color the flower is. I've also seen candles named peony petal, and that is also light pink.
Reply:Pink, but it totally varies by opinion. Most of what I've seen is bright pink

Here's a link for peony colored ribbon.
Reply:i think its pink... dont quote me though, not sure
Reply:a purple color

Can a peony be stared by the flower head?

No, only by a root section.

As soon as you see shoots come up in the spring you can divide them. It's best to wait until after they flower, then you can separate the parts that have had flowers already.


I dig a big hole where they will go first, and mix lots of compost in the bottom of the hole. Then I flood it with water and wait untill it settles before transplanting the new plant.


Then I use my spade which is kept nice and sharp and dig out a chunk of the plant I'm using. Generally I remove one chunk from each parent plant each year. I fill the hole later with compost and tamp it down and water it.


I quickly move the new chunk to the prepared hole , this minimizes shock from drying out. I backfill with compost and water and mulch, but I don't fertilize untill the following year.


Sometimes I dig chunks to give to friends, so in that case I use a used plastic pot and water it good and keep it in the shade untill its ready to plant.

Can a peony be stared by the flower head?
No. Typically, you would need a root with a small bud known as an eye to start it.

I don't really know of any plants that can be started vegetatively from a true flower head, although there are several plants and fruits that have compound flowers or fruits that form around a stem that you can start from the flower or a fruit (example is a pineapple), but a peony is not one of them.

I can understand your desire though, because many of them are somewhat expensive, particulary the tree peonies.
Reply:no the cant, unless you mean from the seeds

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Why do ants crawl over peony buds all the time? They don't eat them or otherwise hurt them.?

Ants for some reason LOVE Peony Plants! Perhaps Peony plants have sugar or something they like!

They are hungry!

The ants visit your peonies because the flower buds secrete a sweet substance that the ants like to eat. The good news is that the ants are not harmful to your peonies! The ants don't eat the actual plant and contrary to popular belief, the ants are not required to open the buds.

A small trick if you want to cut some of your peony flowers but don't want to bring the ants into the house… Try cutting the flowers before they open and the ants get inside. Cut the flowers when the colour is showing and the bud feels like a marshmallow. At this stage it is easy to remove the ants and the buds will open nicely for you inside within a couple of days

Why do ants crawl over peony buds all the time? They don't eat them or otherwise hurt them.?
Well I've seen ants on my Gardenias I don't think that they'd hurt your Peony. I think they'll also keep the pests away from your Peony:)
Reply:the big black ants are beneficial for mom does not deadhead her peonies any more which has resulted in her having many come up from seed and i benefit from now have about 20 peonies and and getting up to 10 more this fall...she have 40+ growing and is giving them to anyone who wants me alot of money except for the colors she doesnt have then i have to go buy them myself
Reply:ants are only ones whom can carry peony pollen! with out them no flowers!

Where to buy tree peony(Paeonia suffruticosa)?

Where to buy tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa)

Where to buy tree peony(Paeonia suffruticosa)?
Welcome to visit our web site . We supply bare root tree peony and herbaceous peony.Many beautiful photos of tree peony and herbaceous peony with descriptions available on our site.

Tree peony question?

I am growing tree peonys from seed this year.Has any one ever grown them from seed.I have seedlings already up. I know they won't breed true, I am just experimenting.I have grown them from grafted plants before but just need any tips you might have on seedling care


Tree peony question?
Garden peonies will usually begin blooming within three years after planting. Tree peonies will begin blooming at about the same time, but will increase slowly in size and bloom quantity. They can live for up to a hundred years.

TIPS- Tree peonies should always have dappled or afternoon shade since the large, silky petals are damaged by excess sun. Well-drained, loamy soil is best for good growth of peonies. Good drainage is vital to avoid root rot and fungal diseases. If your soil is heavy clay, amend it with compost, finely ground pine bark or well-rotted manure to improve drainage and organic matter content.

Why was the Peony flower pick for indiana?

I do believe it was the same people on Daniel's staff that put that new license plate out this year. The one "In God We Trust" Or maybe that one you folks had before that with that slogan "" on your plates. Could have been either group showing their newly elected power off with lots of meaningless picks including that Peony flower.

Why was the Peony flower pick for indiana?
Reply:Bob Knight wouldn't have it any other way when he was there.

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Yellow tree peony?

My yellow tree peony had some pink blooms this year. I have cut the suckers off at or below ground level. What else can I do to insure the suckers don't return?

Yellow tree peony?
It sounds like the tree peony is planted too deep causing the rootstock to send up suckers. Or the graft has died, leaving the rootstock alive. I would dig a little around where the suckers are coming up and see if its planted too deep.
Reply:Burn it..
Reply:All you can do as far as I know is keep triming them off. Yellow peony's are pretty aren't they? Its my favorite one. Good luck

What is peony wilt?

And can it be treated?

What is peony wilt?
Reply:Look here while I run out to look at my peonies.
Reply:It is the fungus decease. Like Clematis it is not

so common.

Dig and take the tuber out. Remove soil, add humas

and new soil. Replant the tuber. If you wish you can

use some anti fungicidal powder. Normally a Peony

patch survives for over fifty years , if looked after


If some peony shoots wilt, yet the basal parts look perfectly sound, your plant may be suffering from Verticillium wilt. A soil-borne fungus (Verticillium albo-atrum) causes this disease. If you prune off the wilted shoot near the base and look at it in cross-section, you will see that the water conducting system inside the stem has turned brown. Verticillium sp is a destructive fungus and nearly impossible to kill because it lives in the soil. Because of this, if you have a confirmed case of Verticillium wilt (check with your county extension office), remove and destroy the infected plant. Do not replant with another peony or other plant susceptible to Verticillium sp.

What does a peony tattoo symbolize?

What does a peony tattoo symbolize?
PEONY TATTOO - With its large and spreading red petals, which are delicately curled at the edges, the peony has been called in Europe “the rose without thorns” and has been used at times as a way to refer to the Virgin Mary. But even from the time of the ancient Greeks, it has been associated with many positive folk medicine cures in the western world, treating ailments that range from asthma to epilepsy and even keeping evil spirits away. Although often depicted in tattoo imagery in deep red, it is today also cultivated in white, varying shades of red, and even yellow. But the principal association in tattoo work is not western but rather eastern, where flowers take on a distinctly different set of meanings. In the ornate, complex, and extensive body coverage that is typically involved in Japanese tattoos, it may seem as though entire gardens could appear. But the floral repertoire of traditional Japanese tattoo is not as extensive as it might first appear. We can say though that among the select flowers that are used is the peony, a flower with a very long history (as much as 4,000 years) in China and then in Japan. For the Chinese it was regarded as a symbol of wealth, good fortune and prosperity. In Japanese culture, it symbolizes much the same. In addition though, since the peony is part of an old Japanese card game (reported to have been played by gamblers sporting tattoos), it also suggests a sort of gambling daring and even a masculine devil-may-care attitude, quite unlike its character in the west
Reply:Two words for you: Georgia O'Keefe
Reply:the person likes heorses.

When should peony foliage be cut back?

Cut back peony folliage in the fall, after the leaves lose their green color. Don't cut back any perennial to the ground just because flowering stops. The leaves are still producing sugars that will be turned into starch for the tubers and roots and energy for next year's growth. Think of your non-flowering peony bushes as green shrubs until late fall. Then do your cutting.

When should peony foliage be cut back?
In the fall. Mow it right off to ground level. Easy, huh?
Reply:in the fall. I fyou live in area that gets snow, do the cutting at least one month before expected first snow fall.
Reply:I do mine in late summer. They almost double every year if I just allow the leaves to keep growing after the blooms die off. My guess is that the leaves supply more nutrients to the roots to survive the winter and make more growth in the spring, but all I know is it works great for me to wait til late summer!
Reply:After they are no longer green, as with most perennials.
Reply:In late fall, after it turns yellow. Then right down to the ground.
Reply:Everyone except Mike is right.

Nanny Profile

I would like to see a picture of a red tree peony. not just the bloom but the whole plant.... Thanks?

Peony Bushes in Michigan/Locations to 48173?

What about them?

Peony does the root have to be above ground?

The root does need to be below ground. The website below should be helpful.

Is there a specific place to cut the peony flowers off ? Just below the flower ?

cut them to the length of your vase,long or short makes no difference.

Is there a specific place to cut the peony flowers off ? Just below the flower ?
Unfortunately, they have a tendency to flop all over the place so they aren't much good for a cut flower display. If you are removing a dead flower head remove the stalk as well, it will just wither anyway.
Reply:cut at 45 degess just below for the heading and in the ending of the cycle of life for the year take of aove the ground twoo inches and then mulch the roots with the old leaves on the lawn
Reply:Cut peony's any length is fine, and when the bud is about to open and not yet opened, cut long stem bud's wrap in Syrian wrap and refrigerate for later use, they will bloom out when put in a vase of water.

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I have a peony bush that needs to be moved-can this be done in Spring....also, can it be separated?

The plant is 6 years old

I have a peony bush that needs to be moved-can this be done in Spring....also, can it be separated?
Yes, it can. Fall is good too (actually, fall is better. But if you need to do it now, do ahead. I've done it in spring before).

Dig the whole thing up. Most likely, you will not be able to pull it out whole. Where it breaks is where you separate it. It won't be especially happy for awhile, but it will recover. Make sure it has water if there is no rain.
Reply:Wait until after it blooms to move and separate it. If you wait until fall you may not have blooms next spring, and if you move it before it blooms, you still won't have blooms this year.
Reply:yes to both questions

Where would the seeds be on a peony?

After the petals fall away from the flower, you'll see little pods at the base, which will grow larger for a while. They kind of look like littly, fat, and fuzzy bananas. The seeds are in there.

Where would the seeds be on a peony?
don't collect em till they fall off naturally.. if u take em off to soon they won't ever sprout. around the end of the growing season, it's best to lay some sort of newspaper down around the plant so the seeds fall on the paper and not the ground.

Why can't I grow a peony flower in San Jose, CA.?

Peonys love loamy, airy soil. Try adding a half bale of peat moss and soil sulphur to the ground. Work it in well. Also pay close attention to the timing of WHEN to plant them in your region. Overwatering them with tap water will rot the roots too.

The Southwestern Garden Magazine has regional maps and what to plant, when. Also check with the local library about what the Peony needs are.

Why can't I grow a peony flower in San Jose, CA.?
Peonies require a certain amount of cold for flower formation. Your climate isn't cold enough or cold long enough for the buds to form. You could give the tubers a cold treatment by putting them in refrigeration but I don't for how long or how cold it should be.
Reply:in adding to the above do NOT mulch peonies...they dont like mulch and will eventually die...around here we just put them in the ground and leave them be...i have clay soil and mine are doing fine..i have about 20 growing but they have only been out 2 yrs and some 1 yr so it will be another year before they all bloom..also dont plant to deep

alot of mine are planted just below the mom has some that all the top shows year round and hers bloom like crazy but of course they have been in the ground for years

they start out kinda small but every year they get a little bigger and better..if you see big black ants on them leave them be..they are beneficial for peonies

Peony bush, when to move?

I have peony bushes growing in a very inconvenient spot and would like to move them. I know to replant in the fall but my question is %26gt;%26gt;

If I move them now (they are knee high) will they survive ?? I just don't want to kill them..

Peony bush, when to move?
Normally I would advice to wait at least after they flowered. However, if you dig them out with enough soil around the roots, you can move them any time.
Reply:You will always get a better result transplanting if you do it in the dormant season.

If the bush is large, cut around the root base 180 degrees (ie: half of the 'circle' using a spade, then a couple of weeks later cut around the remaining part. Then lift it, replant, and give a seaweed tonic to encourage new root growth.

Pruning it back by at least 30% before moving will help new root development. And don't forget to water it for a month or two after moving.

Should be OK.
Reply:They probably won't bloom very well this year after you move them, but I think they will survive. Make sure you have the hole dug where you want to move them to, so they are not drying out for any time. Then keep them watered well.
Reply:When transplanting Peony bushes they sometimes take up to 5 years to come back... so be careful.
Reply:wait till fall
Reply:i would wait to replant them
Reply:Ugh... i don't like them or the ants they attract


Bad Breath

My peony flowers open part way and stop.?

some of my peonies partially open then age and dry out. I water regularly and use only compost on them. Have enough

ants and sun, what can I look for? Do?

My peony flowers open part way and stop.?
You have a problem with insects or disease. Here is a site to help you identify the problem. Hope it helps.
Reply:Perhaps peony bushes too young. It took about 3 years for mine to get really pretty. They looked nicer %26amp; lasted longer each year. Same thing with the rose bushes I planted. Now blooms on each are more, bigger %26amp; last longer. Can't wait for next year's show.

Where to find peony flower farm in singapore ?

peonies can't stand the heat in Singapore, don't think there is a farm here. if growing peonies in cool room in Singapore will not be profitable.

How and when do you move a peony bush?

I think Joseph and Mommie sent you the right direction. We advocate fall transplanting of most established perennials, including peonies. Here in zone 5, we'll be dong that in mid October. Dig up a nice big root ball with your plant, cut it with a sharp spade to divide (if your peony is big enough for division. A 3 or 4 year old plant should be large enough and anything older is sure to benefit from dividing.). Transplant to a sunny, well drained spot and give it a good shot or two of root stimulator to get it spreading those roots before winter shuts down growth. If we have another exceptionally dry winter, it would be a good idea to water the newly transplanted peonies a couple of times.

How and when do you move a peony bush?
Fall and dig up the entire plant and divide.

Keep in mind this guide: Dig up opposite time of bloom.
Reply:You can move or divide a peony bush in the fall. Make sure you dig a circle at least as wide as the mature bush to capture the majority of leaves.

To move the bush to a new location, make sure the new location is in full sun and do not dig the hole much deeper than your rootball. Mulch with organic material.

Good luck!
Reply:only in the fall

Do Peony's prefer the shade or do they like to be in sunlight areas?

It depends on where you live. You can check with a local nursery. They should be able to help you. Happy planting. :)

Do Peony's prefer the shade or do they like to be in sunlight areas?
midwest US here.. mine are in afternoon full sun. Theyre almost ready to flower!
Reply:I'm on the East Coast of USA and mine love the sun! I believe them to be the finest flower.
Reply:Mine do well with the afternoon sun. Make sure when you plant them, that the crown is ground level and not deep in the ground. Don't spray the ants.
Reply:I have mine in both they do fine, although I have tree peony's.
Reply:Sun. They will grow okay in the shade, but wont get many flowers.
Reply:I live in an in-land valley, hot and dry. They must be in the shade, and misted daily. Norma

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I have peony bushes that are flowering. Can I get my flower bush to bloom more than once by cutting off some?

i have never been able too. wish i could, really love them.

I have peony bushes that are flowering. Can I get my flower bush to bloom more than once by cutting off some?
Unfortunately, no. That would be great though, I'd keep mine blooming all season if I could!

Another Peony question?

Can I crowd by planting another peony right beside one already there? Will it grow smaller?

Another Peony question?
Peonies need space. You should allow at least 3' per plant. They are very long lived and do not like being moved, so choose your site wisely. They need fertile soil and do not like competition with other shrubs or tree roots. Yes, the competition from another peony can affect their growth, but more importantly it can reduce the size and quantity of flower blooms.
Reply:Peonies are just as lovely as your questions and answers.

People who grow gardens are sweet and nice!

Have a good day.
Reply:yes will grow just fine....

How do you say "black peony" in the languages you know / speak ?

peonia negra-spanish

itim na peonia-tagalog

kuroi shiakuyaku-Japanese

black peony-english

How do you say "black peony" in the languages you know / speak ?
schwarze Pfingstrose (German)
Reply:黑牡丹 (hei mudan) in Chinese.
Reply:♡In English it's black peony, of course and

Black peony in Japanese is kuroi shakuyaku 黒い 芍薬 ♡
Reply:Črna petunia

peonia nera
Reply:juodas bijūnas in Lithuanian
Reply:черная пеония

that's in russian
Reply:czarna peonia (Polish)
Reply:black peony (english)

chernii peon (russian)

une pivione noire (french)
Reply:peonia negra spanish.
Reply:bisa asses

Can peony be planted in Southern CA?

I have had Peonies in S Cal. They will grow, but they will not bloom without the freezing temperatures that they need to go dormant. It is that regrowth in the spring, after the winter rest, that produces those magnificent flowers, I am now enjoying in Oregon.


Can peony be planted in Southern CA?
as long as it has the right soil and enough water sun and shade
Reply:It is slightly possible that you can get peonies to grow in So. California but doubt it.. Peonies like a winter to go thru in order to grow into the beautiful flowers that they are. It would not hurt(perhaps a little money) to TRY.. Make sure that the plant(peony) is not too much in the shade but somewhat in the sun. Good luck... I think you will need it
Reply:Yes indeed they can and will be much larger than here in KY.

Just make sure you keep it watered but not over watered even during its dormant period.

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Do Peony flowers require ants to bloom?

Why do you usually see ants on the bud?

Do Peony flowers require ants to bloom?
"The presence of ants on peony blossoms is neither beneficial nor harmful to the plant. Ants are simply attracted to the sugary liquid secreted by flower buds." link 1.

"Why are ants always on my peonies?

They are hungry!

The ants visit your peonies because the flower buds secrete a sweet substance that the ants like to eat. The good news is that the ants are not harmful to your peonies! The ants don't eat the actual plant and contrary to popular belief, the ants are not required to open the buds.

A small trick if you want to cut some of your peony flowers but don't want to bring the ants into the house… Try cutting the flowers before they open and the ants get inside. Cut the flowers when the colour is showing and the bud feels like a marshmallow. At this stage it is easy to remove the ants and the buds will open nicely for you inside within a couple of days." Link 2

If you do a google searh for "ants peony" you'll find this mentioned on thousnads of sites.
Reply:The ants have probably found some aphids or mites that are producing honeydew (excrement) that the ants are harvesting for their nests. With peonies, the flower bud scales secrete sap that is also rich in carbohydrates that the ants can use as a food source. It was thought that ants were necessary for peony flowers to open. That theory is not true, according to research. Without any ant activity, the flowers still open.
Reply:Yes, they do. If you spray your peonies with pesticide to rid them of the ants, they will not bloom. We had two rows of peonies, both pink %26amp; white, in the front of our garden. Beautiful smell, aren't they?
Reply:Peonies don't require that ants are a part of their life cycle. However ants are a common user of these decorative and beautiful plants. We always have a small number of ants roaming the buds and stems of our peonies. I think the ants are simply feeding on the sweet exudations that surface on and around the buds. Ants exploit and utilize alot of plants and even other insects, such as aphid populations that the ants will manage and farm on the leaves and stems of all sorts of plants and trees such as appletrees, cherrietrees and herbs like catnip. Most insects that aid plants in fruit production and visit during flowering are pollinators, taking pollen from one flower pistol to another accomplishing cross pollination and the mixing of the genes, these critters are generally fliers like bees and other particular species of flies and butterflies, not crawlers like ants.
Reply:PAEONIA peony... once and for all, there is no horticultural relationship whatever between ants (or any other insect ) and the peony and it bloom. Period! End of story! Void another myth! An ant free peony will bloom just as well as an ant free peony. Old wives tale from the days when we thought the earth was flat as Jimmy Carter's personality. they do not need to be pollinated be wind, bees, a brother or sister plant living up-wind, nor man or beast. I made the mistake of suggesting just such a relationship to a prof of parasitology during my post graduate studies. he became so angry he chased me from the building. he wouldn't even acknowledge i was a me member of his class for many months after. when he did, he addressed me as "mr peony". it was only when i completed a six month, field study on the subject (on my own time) and filled my 118 page research study with the head of the plant science dept, was the sir name peony dropped from his vocabulary. the dear professor had been dealing with that very myth for over thirty years. i just happened to bring the matter up on the very day ..."he could stanz zit no more!" I taught plant science for several years. every year there was at least one mr peony in every class. old myths seem never to die. so please help put this one to rest. ANTS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH CAUSING A PEONY TO BLOOM! PERIOD! class dismissed.

I have an established tree peony?

can i transplant it after it blooms, it's been established for about 4-5 years

I have an established tree peony?
The common rule is; peonies don't like to be moved. But 4-5 years is not terribly old, so the roots haven't dug very deep. I have moved tree peonies that age successfully. They took a year or so to re-establish, but the new locations were better for them so it was worth it. You may not have many blooms the first year after re-location, but they should be fine. Take as many roots as possible with them. GL.
Reply:I would 'root prune' (cut around the root ball you plan to move with a shovel - the larger area the better) now to stimulate root growth closer to the trunk, but wait to actually move it until after active growth -late summer or fall would be best. Keep it well watered after moving.

Best way to separate peony?

...And if I want part of my mother-in-law's full, well established plant, is a cutting possible? How? Please help!

Best way to separate peony?
Your going to have to dig up roots to start a new plant. If your mother-in-laws peony is large it won't hurt it at all. It helps to water the dirt around the plant so the digging will be easier. I separated a 20yr. old plant a few years ago and could have sworn those roots went to China! Dig deep and get a tuber with a couple of "eyes" (sprouts) the spring is a good time to transplant, the growth is short and it's easier to see where your digging.
Reply:yes clean a sharp knife with alcohol and cut the lower roots and bulbs in half and then dip in root starter and place in a hole water everday lightly for a week,,, growth hormone root stater is at K-Mart for 6.00 dollars
Reply:Take root cuttings from tuberous species in winter as seeds take years to germinate. If it is a tree peony take semi-ripe cuttings in late summer. Soil should be moist, free draining and fertilised.

Mature Tree Peony growing shoots from reg. bush peony?

My mature tree peony is growing bud shoots from the root stock (I am guessing). The "unwanted" shoots are taking over the plant in height and number of shoots. Is there a proper way of bringing back only the tree peony? I feel the "unwanted" shoots sap the basic plant of growing strength and should be cut off as soon as they are identifiable. Is this true or is there something else I should be doing?


Mature Tree Peony growing shoots from reg. bush peony?
Yes you are correct.

The tree peony was grafted on to rootstock of a bush peony and now it's taking over. You need to cut out the unwanted pieces that are growing from the base or it will over take your tree peony.


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Are peony leaves bad for cats?

We have peonies planted outside our house my cat keeps trying to eat the leaves. Is it will it make him sick or can I just let him eat them?

Are peony leaves bad for cats?
Plants Poisonous to Cats

this web sight says peony is poisonous to cats..
Reply:it depends if the cat is allergic to it or not. if not, then peony leaves are good for it. if it is allergic to peonies, then they are horrible for your cat.
Reply:I'd watch the behavior of your cat if he/she does ingest peony leaves. They aren't supposed to be good for cats. Grasses are eaten sometimes to purposefully make the cat sick so they can throw up -_-;;
Reply:let him eat.

Brown spots on my peony leaves?

I am getting molted brown spots on the leaves of my newly planted peonies. They were planted in May and I live in Pittsburgh, PA zone 5. Do I need to Seven them? They are on the eastern side of my house and so they get sun until mid afternoon

Brown spots on my peony leaves?
The most frequently occurring pests are botrytis blight and leaf blotch, both fungal diseases. Especially prevalent during wet springs, botrytis affects leaves, stems and flowers. Spots appear on leaves, stems soften and decay and flowers either rot or buds blacken and fail to open. Prompt removal of infected material and a thorough fall cleanup are essential for control.

Leaf blotch develops during warm, moist weather. Glossy, dark purple spots form on the upper surfaces of leaves. Again, removal of infected leaves and good fall cleanup are necessary for control. Avoid overhead irrigation.

Other fungal diseases include Phytophthora blight and Verticillium wilt. These are soil-borne fungi with no cure other than destroying infected plants. Do not replant in diseased soil.

Peonies really need a full sun location. The east side of your home may not provide sufficient light for peonies. Further, humidity promotes fungal growth. Northern and, to a lesser degree, eastern exposures tend to be more humid than a southern or western exposure. Consider moving your Peonies to prevent future infections. Cut back foliage in fall and burn or discard to prevent overwintering fungal spores.

Sevin is an insecticide and will not control a fungal infection. Fungicides are preventative and can not cure a fungal infection once your peonies show the signs of an infection.

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How to prune a peony tree?

just prune off the dead wood

Has anyone ever heard that peony flowers or bushes attract snakes?

No. Do you have snakes crawling around your peonies?

Has anyone ever heard that peony flowers or bushes attract snakes?
It's common for beautiful and fragrant plants to seemingly attract snakes. It's very uncommon for plain mundane plants to do so. With the Peony you bend to sniff and admire, putting your eyes closer to a snakes level. RScott
Reply:No, but the buds seem to attract their fair share of ants.

Help with finding some bathroom accesories? Peony?

My friend is having a house warming shower and she said that she wants to do her bathroom in peony, but I can't find that design/pattern anywhere. She said it was on the tumbler, soap dish, toothbrush holder, shower curtain, etc... Help??

Help with finding some bathroom accesories? Peony?
Buy the stuff that goes into these holders and package it in a small woven reed basket or something similar. This way you do not need to follow the design!
Reply:Just go find a beautiful silk potted peony plant that she could sit on the back of the toilet or on a shelf or something. That would be nice.
Reply:Can you ask her where she saw these?

Why won't my peony bulb grow?

I bought a peony bulb and planted it a few weeks ago. I had to dig it up to make room for a rose bush. I was going to transplant it, but when I dug it up I saw that it was not growing at all. What is wrong?

Why won't my peony bulb grow?
you just bought it. be patient!!!!
Reply:You need to let us know what growing zone where your are in. One of the reasons it may not be growing is it is still early in the season where you live. Transplant it anyway and see what happens. If it grew before it should again.
Reply:Make sure to plant the top of the roots only one and one-half to two inches beneath the soil line. A common error is to plant them too deep, which means they won't bloom.

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