Saturday, November 14, 2009

Why does the Peonies plant develope a fine white dust (or film) on its leaves?

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Why does the Peonies plant develope a fine white dust (or film) on its leaves?
It is most likely powdery mildew. This can be caused from watering too late in the day, or if you peonies do not have full sun. First cut back on the water let the plant dry some. When you do water be sure to do it early enough that all the moisture that might be on the plant will be gone by evening. There are many fungicides you can get at your local garden store.I have used a fungicide for roses made by fertilome. But there are other brands available. It is important to remove all infected leaves as much as possible, especially the ones that have fallen on the ground.Once you have this under control a weekly mist of a light soapy water will be very helpful for peonies.

Mix one part liquid dish soap with 4 parts water. This helps not only any pest but helps to prevent mildew. Just be sure as before that your plants are dry before night fall.

Good luck, happy gardening...don't you just love peonies!
Reply:This sounds like white flies.

Fill a spray bottle with mild dish soap and water. Spray that plant and then rinse.

Then get a good systemic plant food. (I like Ortho)

Good luck.
Reply:That sounds like powdery mildew.It is a fungus that attacks around this time of year.There is no effective treatment available for it.You should pull all badly affected leaves off and dispose of them as this is how it spreads.

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