Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Anyone know how to split a peony tree?

I just moved into a house in January and found out, this spring, that I have a beautiful peony tree that has gorgeous pink frilly/lacy flowers. I would love to try and split this so that I can have a few more around the house, but I don't want to damage the original. It's not a peony bush, as I have one of those too. This is an actual "tree" - it's about 3 ft tall and has branches, then the peonies bush out from them. Any ideas?

Anyone know how to split a peony tree?
Don't split it I think you will kill it just go to the nursery and buy one or two. You are looking for Japanese tree peony, the nurseries only get them at certain times of the year I think.
Reply:You can't split a Peony tree. Peony bushes don particularly like to be split either.

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