Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What is the best way to plant tree peony seeds?

I found the seeds under my tree peony. They are very hard shelled and don't seem to have opened over the winter. Is there some special way to plant them to make them grow?

What is the best way to plant tree peony seeds?
Try nicking the coating of the seed with a nail file and soak it in water until it sprouts, then plant.
Reply:Just plant feed and water I love mirace grow myself I have just added peonys to my new yard from seed last year I got a flower this year so I will have 3 seeds from that to plant I have always just planted the seeds my last one I did took me 5 years to cover the front of my yard and if you can get a whit and a red split in 1/2 put the 2 1/2 together you will get a geourgeous BRIGHT pint
Reply:Soak in water until you see a root sprout (If the seed was germinated it should be just a few days) then follow these steps..

By mid-summer the plant (seed with thin white feeder roots) will be relying on its heavy storage roots to see it through the hot times.

Plant in Sun/Part Shade

plant the entire root ball - as undisturbed as possible in the ground. The ideal soil is rich and moisture retentive but well-drained. Damping it down with water will help the soil to settle before roots are placed. Your peonies will be especially vigorous if you also add the trace elements in things like greensand, bone meal, rock phosphate, and ground-up eggshells. A cup mixture of these can be added to the soil before filling up the hole. Avoid any damage to feeder roots.

Herbaceous peonies that die down each year should be planted 3-4 feet apart from each other. Tree peonies need about 6 feet between them.

Peonies have been known to survive in the same place for well over 100 years.
Reply:peony.bulbs...........no seeds

I hope the water suggestion works,It wont hurt to try.

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